Miscellaneous topics
Resetting a YubiKey with yubico-piv-tool
The pbyk reset-yubikey feature performs the equivalent of the following yubico-piv-tool commands to lock then reset a YubiKey.
yubico-piv-tool -a verify-pin -P 32165498
yubico-piv-tool -a verify-pin -P 32165498
yubico-piv-tool -a verify-pin -P 32165498
yubico-piv-tool -a change-puk -P 12345679 -N 32165498
yubico-piv-tool -a change-puk -P 12345679 -N 32165498
yubico-piv-tool -a change-puk -P 12345679 -N 32165498
yubico-piv-tool -a reset
yubico-piv-tool -a set-chuid
yubico-piv-tool -a set-ccc
yubico-piv-tool -a set-mgm-key -n 020203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708
yubico-piv-tool -a change-puk -P 12345678 -N 12345678
yubico-piv-tool -a change-pin -P 123456 -N 77777777
The reset_yubikey function is intended to perform the equivalent steps.
The caller is assumed to have enforced PIN and PUK requirements. If either the PIN or PUK fails to satisfy requirements (as described here), then the attempt to set the PIN or PUK will fail.
Managing virtual smart cards with tpmvscmgr
Windows provides the tpmvscmgr utility to create and destroy virtual smarts. The commands below will destroy the first
virtual smart card on a system, then create new one using the default PIN value and a random administrator key. The
"/attestation AIK_AND_CERT" portion of this command is required when creating VSCs for use with Purebred where attestations
are to be used. Where attestations are not available, pbyk
will attempt to perform enrollment without attestations.
Use of a non-default PIN value is recommended.
TpmVscMgr destroy /instance root\smartcardreader\0000
TpmVscMgr create /name MyVSC /pin default /adminkey random /generate /attestation AIK_AND_CERT
Sample logging configuration
The pbyk
utility uses the log4rs crate for logging support. YAML is used to define
a logging configuration. See https://docs.rs/log4rs/latest/log4rs/ for a description of the YAML format. The snip below
provides a sample that outputs pbyk
and pbyklib
information at the debug
level. Several dependencies are listed and
configured at the error
level. The volume of logging information can be controlled be adjusting the level for the various
components used by pbyk.
refresh_rate: 30 seconds
kind: console
pattern: "{d} {l} {t} - {m}{n}"
kind: rolling_file
path: "./pbyk.log"
pattern: "{d} {l} {t} - {m}{n}"
# The policy which handles rotation of the log file. Required.
# Identifies which policy is to be used. If no kind is specified, it will
# default to "compound".
kind: compound
# The remainder of the configuration is passed along to the policy's
# deserializer, and will vary based on the kind of policy.
kind: size
limit: 100 mb
kind: delete
- pbyk
- stdout
# turn dependencies on at desired level to see additional log output
level: error
level: error
level: error
level: error
level: debug
level: debug
Source code
The pbyk
utility is written in the Rust programming language. The source code for the application is available
Additional resources
Additional information on the Purebred process can be found on the DoD Cyber Exchange site. Contact information for various support resources can be found here.